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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Why I Started a Blog

Ahem... So, it's been a little while but I've just finished another semester. In short, school has delivered a thorough butt kicking and demanded the entirety of my attention. In trying to recover from that, I remembered this here internet space I've created for myself. This is a post I had started awhile ago but never got around to finishing because I had some trouble getting the words right. In my time away I was able to finish my thoughts in a more cohesive way. I thought it would be good comeback from some time away so here we go:

Truth is, if you're reading this, you probably didn't find this page from a linked social media account of mine, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, etc.. There are enough reasons for a whole other blog post as to why I don't share this blog with those people but in short it isn't for them (or really for you, no offense), it's for me.

I've always been the type to try anything once and the adrenaline of trying something new for the first time is actually something I really enjoy. There's no pressure for a perfect execution on the first go, simply because you've never done it before, or that you don't know what to expect, maybe you don't know what to do when something unexpected does happen... the list of excuses could go on forever and in a fit of introspection, I only really needed the idea and I was sold. I've not yet regretted starting a blog and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. For now, you can find me on my silver of the internet space exploring these reasons why I started in the first place:

♥To see what all the hype around blogging was about.
♥My poor grammar and vocabulary need exercise.
♥I'd have a reason to do/try crafty things and tell people about it.
♥Encourage myself back into HTML coding.
♥Being a participant on the internet really fascinates me.
♥I missed creating/editing my MySpace profile.
♥Journal regularly and be held accountable for someone, somewhere might be looking.
♥I could see what other people with the same interests were up to.
♥Continue the introspection in a more controlled manner.
♥I'd be able to go back to old memories and thought trails.
♥Using a camera has always been something I was scared of.
♥Find out what I am and am not interested in.
♥try something new.
♥literacy in the internet space requires practice.

When it comes down to it, starting a blog (or rather, trying to start a blog) had the potential for more positive outcomes than negative ones, and any one positive outcome would easily outweigh all the negative potential outcomes combined. If its something you've thought about for even a second, give it a go, it will never not have been worth it. and now is an especially good time to start, being the new year and all.

I hope you have been doing well.
P.S. Can you tell I was going through an allergy fit when this set of photo's was taken? It's obvious to me even after trying to make it less obvious in photoshop. :( If you follow my Instagram, you might recognize these shots pasted to one of my best friend's wall while she was doing a summer study abroad. 

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