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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Burt's Bees Intense Hydration Treatment Mask

If dry skin could dream it would dream of this product all night long and then secretly day dream about it too.

Last fall, as soon as the weather started the change, my skin was covered in dry, chapped patches that were itchy and flaky and difficult to deal with (closely resembling excema but not quite). After venturing to various drugstores looking for quick relief, I found a gem of all gems.

As a "moisturizing face mask' it promised to do everything I needed. 18$ and a week later my skin felt better than it had in a long while, well exceeding my highest of hopes.

I found myself reaching for this product when, at the turn of summer, similar but smaller dry patch appeared. This time was perfectly paired with an acne outbreak. I noticed that this mask almost seemed to help push the blemishes to the surface and almost heal them in it's own special way as well as heal the heal the Sahara desert patch. I realized that whatever kind of magic is in this, I need it in my life.

I think the whole premise of this product is similar to using a massive amount of moisturizer,letting it soak in, and then wiping away the excess which I'm sure you could do with a regular cream. I like this because there is a thick consistency that sticks to itself and your face without gooping all over the way it seems like a normal moisturizer would.

The product squeezes out thick like toothpaste but spreads like a cream. Feels refreshing, smells like nothing with a hint of sage and leaves skin feeling plump with moisture; more so than a night cream would. It was worth every penny in my opinion.

I like to use it just after washing my face but before bed and I have even used a small amount on my seasonal patches without the intention of wiping it off like you would when used as a mask.

I highly recommend this product to anyone experiencing their share of dry skin or seasonal flakes

Hope all is well.
with love from katiedaise

How'd I do for my first beauty type blog post?
Do you have any go-to product for seasonal dry skin worth sharing?

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